Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Still Quilting

This Pineapple Blossom quilt is turning out to be one of my favorites. I've worked faithfully on it, only straying to make a quick tablerunner and a small door banner. Its not on my UFO challenge list, because I started it in May in Bonnie Hunter's class; and the list was made in January. As soon as this is done, I must go back and focus on that list!

I'm marking the light background areas with stencils and the trusty blue washout marker. Earlier while marking the design in the dark areas I ran out of the white iron off pen, and then finished with a white ceramic lead pencil. We'll see how this all comes out- hopefully with cool water.  

I'm meandering in the inner border.

In the outer border, I'm outlining with a quarter inch (more or less!) curve on both sides of the point edges.

I really like sitting at my machine and quilting away, listening to music or podcasts. However, it takes a long time, and it's August already! Looking at my UFO challenge list I see that I have only finished 2 out of 10 projects. If I'm going to finish, it looks like I'll have to let go and send some to a longarmer to be quilted. Something I've not done before; prefering to have my quilts be my creation from start to finish. Although there is some wonderful long arm quilting being done-lots of feathers, which I love.

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